State of Michigan 401(k) and 457 Plans


Welcome to the forms page. The forms that can be used for both plans are listed first, followed by forms specific to each Plan. Please scroll down to view all available forms.

The Hardship Withdrawal and Unforeseeable Emergency Withdrawal forms are now available as prefilled forms and can be accessed after logging into your account at menu option Account / Withdrawals / Request a Withdrawal. Follow the instructions on the screen to submit your request. If you would rather complete and mail the paper version, download the form below.

Plan forms are provided in this section as downloadable files. Plan forms must be printed, completed, signed, and in some cases, notarized, before they can be accepted by Plan Administration. It is for this reason that the forms have not been made available to fill out online. Please make sure you read the instructions carefully and complete each form accordingly to shorten processing time.

To request the Payout Request Form For Participants please call the plan information line at 1-800-748-6128.

To download the desired package, simply click on its title in the following list.